07. 10. 18.

visual people-eyeball


댓글 2개:

............................ :

this is a little weird.

but, don't take it down.

it may grow on us.

your blog logo could be more graphic....

not so loose drawing.

should represent you.

are you comfortable with it?

if so, leave it.

but, i think you can do better.

like the concept a lot.

execution could be more interesting, more layered with meaning like the concept.


artsnob101 :

much much much i lov eyeball ver.!!!!! also colors are nice! great.

sorry for late update but..
Uploaded @ http://typo07gm.blogspot.com/
another update ?
Plz post your update notice @ http://groups.google.com/group/typo07gm .
Or Email to typo07gm@googlegroups.com
Gen also receives daily Google-group e-mails, so not necessary to send ur update notice to her email address.
Good luck for all of ur projects s. TA:M