07. 11. 16.

Visual language book

there are more pages.. but I have scanner problem :(
I'll post rest of them as soon as I repair it.

댓글 3개:

............................ :



you showed this to me in class.


try a light sans serif in a slightly smaller size with more leading.

i think it will serve your purposes better.

don't do all the pages.

do one spread in several typefaces to see which works best.

bring to class.

good work, girl.


sooyun :

Yes, this is one I showed you in class.

I'll pick one spread with different versions.

Thank you : )

artsnob101 :

I see what's u wanna do.
I am not sure about cover..
plan grid 1st as same as Gen says.
and use ur icons treat well.
reach it! good go!Good Luck!

Uploaded @ http://typo07gm.blogspot.com/
another update ?
Plz post your update notice @ http://groups.google.com/group/typo07gm .
Or Email to typo07gm@googlegroups.com
Good luck for all of ur projects. TA:M